Sunday, January 17, 2016

Air Traffic Control Privatization

The National Airspace System (NAS) is primarily comprised of ground based stations that direct air traffic from airport to airport, point to point, through the airspace over the United States of America. The system is based on radar technology developed well over 70 years ago, as well as ground based navigation facilities like the VOR and NDB. These traditional facilities are connected by airways, like highways in the sky. The problem with ground based navigation technology and these airways is that they require aircraft to fly longer routes and burn more fuel. This is due to the fact that these airways and navigation stations rarely provide the most direct routing to a given airport.

To meet the predicted growth of air traffic while reducing flight time and fuel burn, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is implementing an overhaul of the airspace system, which they call NextGen. The NextGen system relies on satellite and Global Positioning System (GPS) technology to provide more direct route structures and provide unparalleled efficiency (Green, 2015). For instance, the NextGen system will allow aircraft to descend continuously from cruise to the approach environment instead of a series of descents that look like the steps of a stair case (Hasley, 2014). The satellites will also permit digital communication systems, which allow text message exchanges between pilots and controllers to relieve frequency congestion and increase overall system efficiency (Green, 2015). With this restructuring, the FAA and lawmakers have been contemplating the privatization of Air Traffic Controllers (ATC) to reduce the monumental costs of running the airspace system.

Wood (2015) reveals that General Aviation (GA) pilots have traditionally opposed efforts to privatize ATC since they are concerned that it will open the door to user fees. These fees would be applied to pilots for using ATC services. Many are concerned these user fees would facilitate the destruction of GA given the already impressive costs associated with flying. Wood also explains that the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) has opposed ATC privatization for many years, as they fear it will lead to a departure from current system principles which give equal priority to all aircraft. Furthermore, Wood divulges the fact that the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) is also opposed to user fees associated with privatization, but they are also opposed for safety reasons. EAA leaders note that privatization may, "penalize the prudent practice of using ATC services, such as filing for IFR in marginal conditions or simply receiving VFR advisories" (Wood, 2015).

On the other side of the aisle, most major airlines and cargo operators support ATC privatization. Jansen (2015) reveals executives at American Airlines, Jetblue Airlines, Southwest Airlines, FedEx, and Atlas, to name a few, are pushing for privatization. The reason behind this support is primarily cost savings. These operators are looking to reduce the costs of ATC and spread them out using the user fees that the GA industry is strongly opposed to. These carriers also support the privatization effort since they claim it will expedite the overall modernization of the airspace under NextGen and further promote overall efficiency (Jansen, 2015).

Interestingly, Delta Airlines is opposed to ATC privatization. They note that the although the privatized ATC system in Canada is effective, it does not provide significant optimization or cost savings (Jansen, 2015). The system in Canada relies on fees from pilots and airlines to pay for controllers. In return, the government and various industry leaders oversee the ATC system and its development. Jansen (2015) remarks that Delta officials argue ATC privatization will not be an immediate fix for a broken system, and that the current system is more flexible in handling unforeseen issues, such as weather.

 According to Wood (2015), the current push for ATC privatization came form Representative Bill Shuster of the House Infrastructure and Transportation Committee, and is now a component of the upcoming FAA re-authorization bill. The privatization proposal within the re-authorization bill would separate ATC from the federal budget and transform it into a separate entity with heavy FAA oversight (Wood, 2015). Congress will vote on the bill in a few months, as the FAA budget has only been extended through March, 2016 (Wynbrandt, 2015). Congress will be debating this controversial topic while air carriers and GA organizations battle for control over this piece of legislation.

I do not believe that a privatized ATC system will be more efficient or beneficial to the aviation industry in the United States. In fact, I believe it will have many negative impacts. The primary issue with a private entity is its goal; to make money. Thus, every entity with the goal of making money will be forced to cut corners in order to save money. Ultimately, I believe that this will lead to a lapse in training, hiring, and ultimately safety. Parallel to privatized prisons in this country, I foresee privatized ATC facilities cutting wages and increasing duty periods. Not only does this jeopardize safety, but it discourages the brightest and best individuals from pursuing a career in ATC. From an airmen standpoint, privatization will also discourage pilots from using ATC services, as they will try to avoid incurring more costs than they already are. The increased costs will also deter student pilots from pursuing aviation as a career or for leisure, reducing the number of certificated pilots. I am astonished that the airline industry, during one of the greatest pilot shortages in history, is not concerned that introducing privatized ATC and associated user fees will strangle the already diminishing stream of professional pilots flowing to them. Thus, privatizing the ATC system is a terrible idea.

Green, P. (2015, September 28). America’s air traffic control system is finally going digital. Retrieved from
Halsey, A. (2014, November 19). FAA rolls out taste of NextGen air traffic control system in Dallas. Retrieved from
Jansen, B. (2015, December 2). Airline executives urge privatization of air-traffic control. Retrieved from
Wood, J. (2015, July 8). Call to action issued over ATC privatization. Retrieved from

Wynbrandt, J. (2015, November 17). Bolen calls to block airlines’ push for ATC privatization. Retrieved from


  1. During my research, I noticed how ATC privatization was supported by some of the airlines. I think that although they may be able to afford the costs to update their technology to NextGen, there are other industries that may not, for example GA. General Aviation have been against user fees because they do not believe this will benefit them. Increasing user fees, like you mentioned, could lead to the GA industry to fall under since it just adds more costs that pilots may not want to pay or they cannot pay it. The problem is that GA wouldn’t be able to generate enough revenue to be able to cover their expenses. “The head of AOPA described the user fee proposal as ‘a serious assault on general aviation.’ In the past, AOPA has supported very modest increases in aviation fuel taxes. However, these would not provide enough revenue to cover the costs that general aviation currently imposes on the system, let alone enough to advance NextGen infrastructure modernization” (DeGood, 2015) If GA cannot cover their expenses they will not be able to update their system which could cause them to be behind in technology or go under because they cannot update their systems. I think you bring up a good point in how this could jeopardize safety because people who cannot afford to pay or don’t want to pay user fees may try to cut corners and avoid using ATC services. Another good point is how this could discourage people from going into ATC or even becoming pilots, which is really bad because of the shortages in the industry.

    DeGood, K. (2015, May 5). 4 Essential Questions About Air Traffic Control Privatization. Retrieved January 16, 2016, from Center For Aviation Progress:

  2. Primary radar is certainly becoming outdated. Although it works great and is reliable it is a system that functions much better with much less traffic. Such as in the mid 1900's when it was heavily introduced. There is a need for a new system, which is next gen. It is a feasible project to be brought the world of aviation, but it has a slow backing to actually be implemented.

    ATC Privatization will definitely be a difficult thing to implement and even more so when trying to make it fair for all aspects of aviation.

  3. One of the aspects of User Fees that does not get a lot of attention, this time around, is work arounds that general aviation pilots will do to avoid paying them, and they can get substantial. Things like flying VFR in very marginal weather, and trying to land on runways without turning on the lights to alert the people that count landings and send a bill for the user fees. It can get very dangerous very quickly, not to mention expensive.
    And I know aviation companies that will push their pilots to do what it takes to not have to pay those user fees, because we are all about the all mighty dollar here in America. You know that companies of all sizes will be looking for ways to get around those user fees.

  4. One of the aspects of User Fees that does not get a lot of attention, this time around, is work arounds that general aviation pilots will do to avoid paying them, and they can get substantial. Things like flying VFR in very marginal weather, and trying to land on runways without turning on the lights to alert the people that count landings and send a bill for the user fees. It can get very dangerous very quickly, not to mention expensive.
    And I know aviation companies that will push their pilots to do what it takes to not have to pay those user fees, because we are all about the all mighty dollar here in America. You know that companies of all sizes will be looking for ways to get around those user fees.

  5. There are other objectives to ATC privatization other than benefiting themselves with money. Yes, privatization may not be the answer for all pilots who fly in the U.S. but it does benefit the Airlines substantially. It would reduce flight times by giving them more of a direct route, reduce emissions, and even cut down the amount of flight delays. There are many pro's and con's to privatization and it is quite difficult to even take a side at this point.
